Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Are We Crazy?!

The other night I asked Carl if we were crazy. It kind of hit me when he said that when another baby is welcomed into our home will we have 9 mouths to feed. I instantly said, "No we won't. It's not that many."...but then I started counting. Carl, myself, Savannah, Omen, Cyrus, O'Malley, Junebug, and Hope...plus another baby would make 9. I really started to think we're crazy. For two 20-somethings, we sure do have a lot of responsibilities and people/pets depending on us!

I wondered, what are we thinking wanting another child? We have a quiet house (for the most part) from 8p to 7a...we get sleep on a regular basis...we're almost out of diapers and binkies with Savannah...Savannah knows how to clean her plate after meals (she throws away the trash and puts her dishes in the sink)...we finally have a semi-independent child...and now we want another one!?

But then I was reminded why I want another child. Because every minute of hardship with children is worth it. Savannah starts pre-school at the church this fall, and the secretary was telling me how excited she was to watch Savannah play at the church with her friends. She said they often play in the main area with a giant parachute...and it hit me then that I will miss out on Savannah having fun. That made my heart hurt. To this point in time, I have never missed out on any major fun experience. I go with her everywhere...parades, parks, museums, all of it. But once she is in school she will be having fun, without me. I'm proud of her for doing it...but it made me realize that this is just the beginning...once she starts school she will be doing all kinds of fun things while I am at work. And really, this would be happening to me if I was a stay at home mom too...I can't go to school with Savannah and spend every minute with her. It's good for her to be independent...but it is so hard to know that her being independent also means that I have to let go a little...and a little more the next year...and a little more the next.

The seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, and years pass by so quickly. And that is why we want another child. The crying will pass, the little sleep will pass...and unfortunately, so will all the fun times too. Children grow up incredibly too fast...

Friday, July 22, 2011


I have been such a terrible blogger recently. It isn't that I don't have anything to share...it is almost the opposite. My mind is constantly swirling with ideas for blog posts...but I have been so busy this month.

My insomnia level is insane...I lay down exhausted at night, but it literally takes at least an hour for me to fall asleep. Most of the time I'm just thinking about so many things, but sometimes I just can't get comfortable or find the right position for sleep. It is my first experience with insomnia...and I really, really hope is goes away soon.

Savannah is still all kinds of cute - she now sings for us often. When I ask her to sing for me, she instantly breaks into "The sun will come out...tomorrow!", but she often just sings her words to us. She also responds to questions with adorable answers. Carl asked her if she was a bird, and she said "No, pig!" to which he then asked, "Who calls you a pig?" eliciting a giggled response of "Mommy!".

Our little Hope isn't so little anymore either. She's pushing 40 pounds, and is improving some with her puppy classes. She has learned sit, down, stand, stay (limited), spin, shake, crawl, and come. I was impressed at class the other night when I was all the way across the room and Hope came running to me when called, even with the other dogs out to distract her. She also knows a lot of her commands by hand signal. Really, she is an intelligent dog...she is just SO incredibly hyper. I know we need to get her outside more, and that would probably solve all our problems...and now that I really, really want to walk with her, it's insanely hot! And right now, I don't do heat.

So life is moving right along this summer. The whole baby thing has eased a bit for me. Much, much less worrying. I know and trust God will walk with us down whatever path He points us to. I am excited to meet another Poland, and I hope to get that chance sometime in 2012. Now if only I could get some sleep!!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Mysteries and Riddles

I really enjoy a good mystery...and a good riddle. In fact I love them so much that I've hidden one inside this post.

Are you preceptive enough to find the clues and solve the puzzle? Some people may think riddles are silly...but in the lazy days of summer, we all need a little fun!

My family won't be surprised by this. I'm always one to be a little creative and inventive...so here it is, my mysterious riddle.

Perhaps you will solve this riddle more quickly than I anticipate, but that's okay. (Please just don't spoil the fun and post public comments!)

Really, this idea for a riddle came about a while ago, but I've just recently been inspired to actually write up a post to tie in with the riddle.

Equally fun are puzzles and games, but really the hidden riddle is the best. Will you solve it? Do you know what kind of coat can be put on only when wet?

Good for you if you solved that one! Maybe I can trick you with this one: What is put on a table, cut, but never eaten?

Now we're really digging into the hard-to-solve riddles. How about this one: What two things can you never eat for dinner?

And for another teaser: What kind of storm is always in a rush?

Now remember the rules, if you think you know the answer, please don't post publicly and ruin all the fun! All of the answers will be coming soon!

Try to not Google search!!


Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Quiet on the Home Front

I was thinking today that my blog has been pretty quiet recently...I guess it's not because things are boring and slow...I just have a lot on my mind that I'm not ready to write about...soon though.