Friday, September 20, 2013

Shame on Me!

I can't believe it has been almost 3 months since I last posted. Shame on me! Life really has been just about the craziest ever. It is finally, finally!, slowing down a bit. The old house is refinanced to allow us to pull some equity out, the new house hasn't started to be built yet (but soon!), my job is awesome, and the kids are wonderful.

It's been a bunch of stress though. Between the new job demands, the double house stress, Vacation Bible School, and taking care of two little ones, I went to the ER twice in one week for panic attacks. I think we're back under control though...I'm taking some light medication to keep me from being insanely anxious, and I'm much happier for it!

The new house plans are coming into vision finally. Below is a peak at what my kitchen will look like...white main cabinets, and olive cabinet for the island, stainless steel appliances, and a darker counter. We're really excited to see this house finished! Carl and I have picked every last door handle, drawer pull, tile, carpet, hardwood, etc. to go in this house...we are crossing our fingers to see it break ground in November. The financing is all prepped with the bank, the builder just has to finish details on the land to get started. Hooray!

Luke is changing as fast as ever - he just babbles all the time. He has some words, "Mama" is his favorite. He gives the BEST squeezes ever. He keeps me busy though - he likes trouble! I have decided that the age between 18 months and 3 years is my favorite...before that they don't interact as well, and after that they get attitude!

Savannah just started back to preschool - she loves it. She has a new teacher that teaches science...and she absolutely LOVES that. I think I have a science girl on my hands. She really loves rocks and butterflies...maybe a biologist? It's fun to watch her learn and bring home new ideas.

My job is the best ever. I love all of the people I work with. I was SO busy in August and the first week of September...but it's slowed down some. I really am so happy at WVU. I'm teaching two evenings a week too, so that is nice. Next semester I'm going to teach on my lunch break two days a week, so I'll have the extra income without being away from the kids that will be awesome too!

Time is flying by...hopefully I'll be able to update house photos soon!!!

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