Monday, January 3, 2011

Goodbye 2010 - Hello 2011

It's now the third - scratch that - fourth day of 2011. Really. I'm finally getting around to writing a blog post about the end of the year. Typically this is where I insert a gigantic paragraph about how busy I was with 20 million things on my To Do list. If you are waiting for that paragraph - you might have to wait a little longer. The reason I'm so behind? I'm lazy. And I love it!

For the first time in years, I didn't do a darn thing over Christmas break. Well - I didn't do anything that I didn't want to do. Christmas morning was amazing with Savannah. As soon as she saw all the presents by the tree she threw Lovey and Ruff on the floor and wanted down. She pointed at it all and jabbered...she just loved it all. We spent time opening presents, our families came for brunch (and I required guests to bring a dish too!) and were gone by nap time. Carl and I moved all the big Christmas presents (playhouse and kitchen) to their rightful places during those hours. After a fun afternoon and dinner, Savannah went to bed and Carl and I watched a movie. There was no running around frantically cooking and cleaning, no entertaining for hours. It was perfect. I honestly think that was one of the best Christmases I have had in a very long time.

The week following Christmas I did more of nothing. During Savannah's naps I would read (a true joy that I have missed so much!). I ended up finishing two books that week. On New Year's Eve my parents volunteered to watch Savannah. Carl and I took advantage and got the oil changed and tires rotated on my car, went grocery shopping, had a lunch out together (Oh how I love the Beanery!), and took down the outside Christmas lights (I'm not risking having to wait until February again like last year!). We both tried to stay up until midnight, but were both sound asleep by 11:30pm. There's always next year!

Now it's January. I have so much to look forward to in 2011. I am hoping for another pregnancy ending with a new baby. I am scared to death of the possibility. I'll be afraid every time I feel to slightest bit "off"...I just want to be pregnant and happy. I hate the waiting...waiting to get pregnant...waiting to see a doctor...waiting to hear a heartbeat...waiting for an ultrasound. I am normally a very patient person, but I have a feeling the first few months of the next pregnancy will be very difficult for me emotionally.

So Hello 2011, to the possibilities, the growth of Savannah, and the joys and praises to God to come!

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