Monday, April 18, 2011

Birthday Party Madness

I'm officially nuts...or maybe I should say officially bananas! I've decided on a theme and location for Savannah's 3rd birthday. That's right...I still have 357 days before she turns three, but she will be turning three in Monkey-Style! I've decided to use the Pink Mod Monkey birthday theme at as my inspiration. The location will not be my home, although I love having parties at the house. I just cringe at the thought of having 15 two and three year olds at my house. (Savannah will be in pre-school next year, so I intend to invite her class, plus her neighborhood "boyfriends"...)

The theme will be monkey inspired and should be easy to decorate. I'd prefer outside at the pavilion at our church, but if the weather is not as wonderful next year as it was this year, I can always move the party indoors. I just think it would be easy to decorate, plan, and coordinate. My head is already swirling with ideas for foods, activities, and decorations.

Some days I really wonder if I missed my calling as a party planner...

Friday, April 15, 2011

The Baby Bug!

Yesterday a friend of mine welcomed twin girls into her family. I already have the baby bug and I haven't even held them yet! Maybe it's the spring weather, maybe it's God's push, maybe it's the new babies...whatever is causing it, I have a serious case of the Baby Bug!

For a while I had been undecided about when to approach the idea of another baby. I just wasn't sure if I could handle all the emotions surrounding a pregnancy. Today I just feel that need for another child...Hope certainly was an amazing help to get me through a rough time...but now I'm ready to welcome a human baby into our house again! (And of course, Hope will welcome another two-legged friend any day!)

Physically I am feeling 100 times better than a few months ago. I'm completely off one of the strongest medicines I had been taking. I've also almost fully switched over from Paxil to Celexa, at the request of my obgyn. My dose is also relatively low, so I'm hoping to only stay on it through the first trimester of a pregnancy, and then never look back. I'm starting up on my prenatals again tonight and I've already given up drinking (social wine drinking, etc.) due to my medicines...and I'm losing weight.

I'm not really sure where the weight loss has come in...maybe I'm eating better or I'm busy...I don't know. I'm now 11 pounds under what I weighed when I got pregnant with Savannah...which is nuts for me to think because that means I'm 30 pounds less than when I delivered I've lost 30 pounds in two years! On Wednesday there was a health screening at work, so I had my blood pressure and waist measurement checked as well as my blood drawn. Apparently the national average for waist size in women is 35 inches...mine was 25 inches! (I'm partial to believe I'm not small, but the national average is just large.) While losing weight does have an upside...the bad part is that I am now starting to wear my summer clothes and nothing fits! Savannah could wear my favorite jean capris with me I have to buy more which is irritating because I know they won't fit long if I do get pregnant this summer...but I suppose that's a problem I shouldn't complain about.

So physically I'm on the road to readiness...and emotionally I'm becoming more excited about the idea of going through this process all over I just have to trust God to lead Carl and I down a path that will ultimately lead to glorifying Him.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Parenting Perceptions

I've learned a lot about parenting since I first became a mom. I remember that, before Savannah was born, I used to have a lot of "plans" for handling the misbehavior of my children. Now, of course, I have learned that no matter how much you plan for misbehavior a child will find a new way to challenge you.

One very important thing I have learned is to not allow others to persuade your parenting decisions. It's an easy trap to fall into. You're in a store shopping and your tired or hungry or teething or (fill in reason here) toddler is cranky. Immediately, moms feel the pressure to quiet their child. While I do agree that it's best to avoid annoying fellow shoppers, it isn't the first, nor will it be the last, time a child has burst into a meltdown in the middle of a store (or restaurant, etc.).

As I reflect on situations where I have been a bystander in situations like this (where it isn't my child screaming), the thing I remember most isn't the child having the meltdown, but the reaction of the parent. I'm assuming I remember the parents' reactions more vividly because once someone hears a child scream it becomes automatic to look to the mother or father for a way to pacify the child.

So with this realization, I have been forced to become a bystander to my own reactions. What do I do when Savannah cries? How do I respond? What does my response tell those looking on as we careen into full meltdown mode? In all honesty, those moments of solving the woes of a child define your parenting style. It is easy to parent a happy child - but children are not eternally happy.

While (as I stated above) I think it is important to always make your own parenting decisions, it would also be nice to keep the embarrassment level to a minimum. After all of these ideas, where does that lead me?

First, bystanders will remember my reaction, not my child's outburst. Second, regardless of the amount (or intensity) of stares, I don' t want to change how I parent my child because of those aforementioned stares. Third, the embarrassment that could result shouldn't be of the child's outburst (after all, every child has outbursts at some point). Fourth, if embarrassment does occur, it should be of how the parent handled the situation.

Now for the tough part - how do I parent? I will admit there are times where my patience is incredibly thin and I probably should be embarrassed of my reactions. But there are also times that I can be proud to say that if anyone was watching my reaction, they didn't see an angry, scowling, mean mother. They saw love and compassion for my daughter, helping her through her emotions and solving the problem. I love Savannah so very dearly (and if at this point anyone questioned if she returned my affection you need to listen to my daily phone conversations with her!). It is not uncommon to see me kneeling at Savannah's level, talking to her calmly and quieting while she cries. We address the problem and find a solution. If, when at a restaurant, she doesn't want to behave, she and I sit outside in the parking lot to handle a time out.

I clearly remember a day last fall that Savannah dumped my salad (dressing and all) in my lap at Cheddar's. I calmly cleaned up as much as I could, picked her up, carried her outside and sat her on the curb next to the car (in a back parking lot, no where near a road). She had her time out and I explained it to her. We then returned to the table and had dinner as a normal family would. Most of my dinner was gone, but my child learned a lesson...that's the life of the mom of a toddler.

I could have handled that situation differently. I could have yelled at her, causing her to become even more upset. I could have thrown a tantrum myself about being a mess. But if I had done that, what would Savannah have learned? She would have learned that when you are upset you scream and yell and stomp your foot. That isn't at all the lessons I want my child(ren) to learn. In my actual reaction of staying calm and insisting on a time out I succeeded. Savannah learned that it isn't acceptable to behave like that and that behavior gets you nothing but a time out. She learned that when she is upset she can use words to express herself instead of actions. She learned that no matter what she does I still love her and always will.

I've also learned that the most honest and truthful comments about your parenting comes from bystanders. Just recently I had such an encounter at the grocery store. Savannah is now allowed to walk in stores with us. We always give her two choices: ride in the buggy or walk next to the buggy holding on. She almost always chooses to walk. Once we get to the check out lane, I hold Savannah while Carl unloads the groceries. On this particular Saturday morning I'd picked up Savannah and would tickle her or whisper something to her. She (like she does so often) then squeezed me tight and pulled me close. The lady standing behind me spoke up and said, "I wish I had a camera, I could have gotten about 200 photos of such a happy girl." That one sentence, from a stranger, really made me feel like I've been doing some things right. I know I'm not a perfect parent and I know I never will be...but I also know that I must not be doing a terrible job when a stranger can clearly see the love.

Monday, April 11, 2011

My Darling is Now Officially Two

This weekend was such a whirlwind - but a delightful one.

Friday night was a cleaning mini-marathon before dinner with our good friends from Pittsburgh. We had a wonderful dinner, followed by a weekend visit.

On Saturday Ashley and I had a great break from being moms - the guys watched all the babies for us while we finished up party shopping and had a delicious lunch at Panera. It's been a while since I've had the chance to catch up with a friend over a warm meal!! Once we arrived home and had the girls settled, Ash and I took on all the prep work for Savannah's party. Ashley was a machine with all the chopping and mixing...and I felt so unorganized. It was so unlike me to be running from one task to another without finishing the first task. At one point I think I had things going for 4 different dishes. I felt almost like I was scattered, which is such an unusual feeling for me.

At dinner time we decided that we'd all go out to eat since the kitchen was pretty much over-taken with party food. Of course, Savannah arrived to the restuarant then we got to a table, Savannah and Brynna were sleeping, but Alana wasn't happy. Then when Alana was happy, Savannah wasn't happy. So I took Savannah out, and Alana was happy, but then Brynna woke up and wasn't happy. During the entire meal at least one girl wasn't happy. We just took it all in stride - that's the life with toddlers!

After dinner I began the process of decorating a 6 inch cake and 24 cupcakes. Carl and Alan took over the job of hanging streamers and pom-pom puffs. Around 11pm we finally were finished with prep work, food, had been such a long day!

Sunday was a beautiful day. I just can't use that word enough. It was beautiful in so many aspects. I was delighted to greet Savannah at her door with a big hug and kiss. At first she really seemed not happy about eating breakfast and I was pretty tired from the previous two days, so as a treat (for both of us!) I took her upstairs to have breakfast in our bed with me. We lounged for about 30 minutes eating dry cereal and watching Yo Gabba Gabba. It was a precious 30 minutes we were able to share away from the chaos and decorations. We just were able to enjoy being together. It was truly a beautiful way to start her 2nd birthday.

When my parents arrived I was trying to get some last minute things done, so my mom offered to give Savannah a bath and get her dressed. She loves dress up - so donning her Minnie costume was not an issue at all. She even wore the Minnie ears. When she was all dressed, she noticed Carl getting the back deck ready for guests and wanted to go outside. So I took the camera out and between Carl and I we were able to capture some very beautiful images.

The party began a little early - in the sense that the neighbor boys (who have recently become attached to Savannah) wanted her to come out to play. When they realized it was her birthday, they went home to pick out presents (from their toys), had their parents wrap them up, and then they brought them to her. It was such a sweet, sweet makes me heart melt! It also strikes me that these were the first gifts from boys...that truly came from their hearts and own original idea. She's two and has already won over the opposite gender...Carl better start rehearsing the "dating speech" now!

The house was loud and slightly chaotic, but in a delightfully beautiful way. It was see so many happy children. Savannah enjoyed just about every single second of her day - even the cake was not a meltdown this year. After nightmares of last year's tears over cake, I decided that there would be no singing, and no mention of "birthday". We just told everyone to keep doing what they were doing - keep talking, don't stare. Then we presented Savannah with her cake and lit the candles. She never did blow them out, I had to, but she did stick her finger in the icing - repeatedly. She giggled over it and ended up eating way too much icing! It wasn't scary for her and everyone was able to enjoy it. She enjoyed opening presents was just so fun.

After presents we moved the kids outside for egg coloring and outside play. Savannah ran around and drew with chalk and colored eggs and took a walk...she just loved it. The weather was amazingly beautiful - blue sky, 86 degrees, light breeze. It was just wonderful.

After everyone had gone and the house was cleaned Savannah finally napped. She was exhausted I'm sure. I know I was!

We ended the day with some outside family fun. Carl built her new tricyle and we went out for a walk with Hope. At first Savannah wasn't sure of her helmet, or of the trike...but by the end of the time outside she didn't want the helmet off and enjoyed the trike. Everyone else was gone and it was just time for the three of us to spend together - enjoying the beautiful day God gave us.

Just before bed Carl and I played with Savannah and her new Mrs. Potato Head. She took it over to her doll house and began almost broke my heart to realize she's old enough to use that house. I cleared everything off, pulled it out, and moved her monitor...she's old enough to play with dolls and pretend...she is not a baby anymore.

Savannah and I ended her big day just as it began - cuddling. We cuddled in the glider. I'd ask her about her day and she'd tell me about being outside and eating cake and the presents...she would smile and say it was fun. I felt so incredibly happy in those moments. My work for planning this party was something that she truly enjoyed. Last year I felt a lot of guilt about her party - fearing I had the party for myself and not for her. She didn't enjoy it. This year I feel none of that. She so obviously enjoyed her day - and everything turned out just as I had imagined in my mind. The neighbor boy summed it up best - "This party is really fun!".

So my darling is two...and I cuddled with her last night realizing that my life will have amazingly special days like that even if I don't have another child. God gave us such a beautiful, beautiful break from the harsh realities we've faced. It was truly, beautiful.

For a full recap of photos from the day, click here.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

It's April 7th.

Today is Thursday, April 7, 2011. On this day two years ago I went to the hospital 38 weeks pregnant and with high blood pressure - only to be sent home a few hours later. Savannah made her arrival into this world three days later on April 10, 2009. I cannot believe my little, tiny baby girl is going to be two on Sunday.

Of course, after last year's freak-out over the "Happy Birthday" song I've planned a much smaller get together. Only our closest friends and family will attend, and the word "birthday" won't be uttered. (Even at the mention of it now she says "No!" and pouts...I guess we all hate aging!) I have planned a special day for her though.

The official theme this year is Minnie Mouse - it just was too perfect with her Halloween costume and our Disney trip. For decorations I've created over 50 "Minnie heads" that compromise a "Happy Birthday Savannah" banner and then others have photos on them of Savannah dressed as Minnie, Savannah in Disney, Savannah with Minnie is Disney, or of Minnie in Disney. These will decorate the walls. I've also create some of the poms-poms out of tissue paper to hang from the ceiling. In particular, one corner in the dining, I will have poms that will shape a Mickey head. I also will have streamers over the table, balloons in the corners and on her chair, and I hope to get a Minnie Mouse Air-Walker balloon. (She loves balloons, so this is part of her present from us.) I also found two cute Minnie posters at the Dollar Store (awesome find) to hang in the dining room. The chandelier will have a pink feather boa on it, and the table will be covered with a beautiful pink tablecloth.

I've also created a sort of centerpiece for the table. I ordered a Minnie Mouse keepsake scroll and framed it for the table. Next to this I'll have a framed picture of Savannah in her Minnie costume that we had taken at the photo session for her 2-year portraits. I also have this little stuffed Minnie Mouse that my mom got her in Disney that holds a balloon that says "It's my birthday". We also have a little Minnie Mouse car toy that will sit nicely on the table.

Her party is around lunch time, so the food will be a lighter fare. We plan to have meatballs, chips/dip, crackers/cheese spread, cupcakes, and then there's the special Minnie themed food. I'm making pasta salad, but the pasta is shaped like Mickey and Minnie as well as a birthday cake and present shaped pasta. The veggie pizza crust will be baked in the shape of Mickey's head. I'm doing sandwiches, so I plan to cut the colby cheese, bread, and bologna in the shape of Mickey. I'll serve turkey and ham also, but it's harder to cut those meats into shapes. (Carl and Patrick also found some adorable serving dishes that are themed!)

The goodies bags have all sorts of neat little touches of Mickey and Minnie and just neat little things. I just think it will be so very cute.

Since the weather looks like it might cooperate I'm planning to color some Easter eggs outside with the kids...I just think it will be fun for them and Easter is only two weeks away...and it will be nice to get outside after a long winter.

Every little detail of this party has been in my head for months...I literally picked the theme before our good friends' baby Brynna was born. My original guest list had Ashley, Alan, Alana, and Baby #2 on this has been a party in the works since at least October! I have no idea how much I've spent on it...honestly I just buy stuff when I see over time it probably cost some money, but we never noticed it because I bought it all over a six month period.

I'm excited to see Savannah enjoy her special day with her friends and family...and can't believe she's already become such a big girl. This is probably one of the last chances I will have to completely plan her birthday party...she'll want to pick the theme soon enough...each year just seems to go by faster than the last...

Check back Sunday for photos of the Minnie event of Savannah's year!!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Leap of Faith

How do you know when God is speaking to you?

I've wrestled with that question all weekend. It kind of started for me on Saturday when a friend posted a quote from Luke.

"For nothing will be impossible with God" - Luke 1:37.

When I read that status update I got chills. Not only are the words comforting and reassuring to me, but the fact that they are found in Luke meant so much to me. If Carl and I are ever blessed with a son, we intend to name him Luke Asher. After reading that I began to feel at ease a bit.

Sunday morning Savannah was in a very brave mood at church and ventured around the pews "talking" with people (such a surprise for me - she is usually so shy!) so I had a moment to read the little message on the front of the bulletin. Again, it spoke volumes. The story was about a man who planted two peonies. The first flower sprouted and bloomed into a beautiful flower. Then the second didn't appear for many weeks, and the man began to think that the peony bulb was dead. Then one morning he discovered that not one, but five, beautiful peonies had sprouted. Instantly I felt a connection with the man in the story. Savannah was my first beautiful flower...and now I have feared that she will be my only one. I told Carl that if our lives follow that story we might have our hands full next time around!

Then, during church, the scripture passage came from Luke. Again, I felt so strongly moved by it. The scripture the sermon was related to came from Judges, but in it the family of Asher was mentioned...again, I had this strong feeling. What was the sermon about? Being faithful and putting our trust in God. I began to struggle this point with emotions...and questions. Was God trying to tell me something? If so, what was the message? And if I thought I understood the message, was I right? I began wondering, is God telling me to try again for a child? Instantly I began to think I am not ready...physically or mentally. My doctor wouldn't be happy if I got pregnant before June, I'm still on medicine that wouldn't be good for a pregnant woman, we have travel ahead of us, I don't know if I can emotionally handle another pregnancy yet...there's just so many reasons that flooded my mind.

At the end of the service the pastor gave the benediction...and in that he said that often God asks us to be faithful and we think of so many reasons why we can't do what He asks...and that we can do what He asks, and we should know that we'll be holding Jesus' hand the whole way.

I was torn...I still am torn...what is God saying? Do I try as soon as possible or do I just not prevent and trust that if I get pregnant God will take care of the health side of things? Is God telling me that when we do try again He'll be there every step? I just don't He asking me to take a leap of faith??

I told Carl about all of this last night, and how I felt that after the second miscarriage my spiritual self has grown incredibly. So then I wonder, is that what both miscarriages were about? To bring me closer to God? Which, is sort of ironic, because a lot of people would think miscarriages might drive some people to become less faithful. Now I feel that I truly benefit from Bible Study and church sermons...I get something more from it all. So is this the true purpose? Isn't life's purpose to follow in the footsteps of Jesus and desire a closer relationship with God?

So many questions, but I still arrive at the one I began with: How do you know when God is speaking to you?