Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Teaching the Hard Lessons of Life to a 2-Year Old

In the past few weeks our family has received some very sad news. My parents' dog, sweet, sweet Alex, has cancer. It is progressing much faster than any of us would like to admit...and in all honesty I'm not sure if he will make it another month.

This leads to a very difficult conversation with Savannah. She loves this dog...I mean LOVES him. On the way to my parents' home she often says "Going to see Alex!" and he is always at the door to greet her. Alex is what caused my precious little girl to laugh for the very first time (chasing the laser pointer). He is truly very dear to every member in our family, and our extended friends and family. He has the absolute best disposition (never bites, never growls, always loves)...he is just darling. In October, we should be celebrating his 10th birthday...but now we aren't sure if he will make it.

We were all so saddened by the news...but I don't know how to explain it to Savannah. We have begun to tell her that Alex is sick, and soon he will go to live with God and Jesus...and that he will have all the little babies to play with that we didn't get to meet...but I know she doesn't understand that he isn't coming back. And while we have always been so proud of her exceptional memory...it will come back to bite us in the butt. She will ask for him for months to come...and we will have to tell her we can't give her what she wants. She won't understand, and our hearts will hurt.

I will miss that dear puppy so much, but I hurt more for Savannah. I understand he is sick, and will be in good hands, and it is the humane thing to do to let him go...but Savannah won't see any of that...and she will miss him and want him...and we won't be able to help...we will be helpless. I hate that illness can make a parent feel so incredibly helpless.

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