Friday, August 26, 2011


It's Friday...thank goodness! This week has been a busy one, which I am grateful for. If it wasn't busy, I'd be counting the seconds tick by to my second trimester of pregnancy. (Which is only 6 days away now!)

On Tuesday, Carl and I took Savannah to her 1st preschool meeting. She seemed to do well. She didn't cry when we left with the other parents for our portion of the meeting, and was happy when we returned. The teacher said she'd play well alone, but when other kids came near she would back off and just watch them. I figured it might be like that...she is just as shy as I was! I'm sure that as the year goes by she will grow more comfortable around other children, and I am so excited to see her progress!

I think her teacher is perfect with the two year olds, which puts my mind at ease. She will have an art project every day, and sing songs, and have snack, and learn Bible stories...I just wish I could be there to watch her grow! Academically she'll learn numbers, colors, shapes, and name recognition...which is great...but she already counts objects to 15, knows every color (some in Spanish too), and knows her that will be reinforced. She will learn her name though, which is perfect. More than anything though, she will learn social skills. She'll play with her friends, learn to take turns, walk in a line, pour water from a bottle to an open cup, drink with an open cup, and I'm hoping once she sees her friends using the potty (there are some potty trained, some not) she will eagerly want to use it too.

So on the Savannah side of life, it's wonderful. The other day Carl was holding Savannah as I was leaving and I leaned in to give her a kiss and I said "I love you Savannah." to which she replied, "I love you too guys!". She is just rotten and adorable.

Pregnancy wise I'm starting to be less tired...finally! I've survived the first week of classes at work without feeling like I need a nap every three hours...and I'm beginning to eat better. I am officially past the 12 week mark, which means the miscarriage chances drop dramatically. I'm beginning to be SO excited about it all. This Wednesday I will go in for another ultrasound, and Savannah will get to come with us for the first time. She will finally get to see baby "LukeElla" in my belly...I can't wait to see her reaction! I've been trying to remember how much detail a 13 week ultrasound will give us, and if I'm right...we should see some defined arms and legs....I wish Wednesday would get here quickly...although I know it will. This weekend is full of fun activities and travels, Monday is a normal day, and then Tuesday is Savannah's preschool day and then it's ultrasound day! I'm so glad it's finally Friday!!

When I begin to think about it, I really have made my children my life's focus. I suppose this is what I call "living the dream". I've always wanted to be a mom...and now I am. The past week has been busy, which is good for a lot of reasons (as mentioned above) but it is good in another reason too. August 20th was my due date for my last miscarriage. I thought about that a few weeks ago, but then it didn't even enter my mind again until yesterday. The focus on Savannah and Baby #2 has kept my mind from drifting to the rougher times of my life. I don't know if it is good or bad that I didn't think about it on the 20th. As Carl said this morning, we have 4 children, we just haven't met two of them yet. I always said I wanted 4 kids...and now I'm on my way to meeting my 4th. We never did name either of the children from the miscarriages...we didn't know boy or girl...but we've been talking about possibly naming them with names that could go either way. Carl said, half jokingly, "what happens when we get to heaven and meet them? We just say "hey baby"??" So mentally I feel confident and happy and blessed now...but still hate that I "forgot" or "pushed out" the thought of the second miscarriage's due date...I do appreciate all that God has given us...and I hope to always remember that.

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