Thursday, September 8, 2011


In the past two weeks I really have been amazed by many things...first and foremost, Savannah. She has now officially begun preschool. From what I'm told, she is really shy (no surprise there!) but she must be learning socially. She chattered the entire way home from class the first day, and that night she began praying at our meal...and we have the worst habit of not praying before meals. She prays before snack, so now she is teaching us to pray before we eat. She has just become a little sponge for all the little things she missed out on by staying home. She's singing songs, doing the hand motions, loves parachute time...she just is learning so fast!

The other night I was reading the book "What Was I Scared Of?" by Dr. Seuss (for just about the millionth time!) and she decided she wanted to read to me. So I handed her the book. She opens to the cover page, and says the title. I thought that was cute, and she went on. On each page she has pretty much memorized, word for word, the first line or two of the story...for the entire book! Even the nonsensical words that Dr. Seuss throws in there like "brickel bush" and "snides" she has down pat. I called for Carl then...and had her read to him. We were just so surprised that all this time she has taken in so from now on we're going to read to her and point to the words...she is obviously learning the words, now to get her to learn to associate the letters with the words!

She also is learning the alphabet super seems like just the other day she could care less about letters...but now she is telling me what letter (and how many of that letter) she sees on a page. She also told me that a capital "M" is an upside down capital "W" just never ceases to amaze me how fast children (not just Savannah - but ALL kids) learn. I wish I was able to learn like that when I was in college!!

The other reason I have kind of been amazed at recently is the amount of attention people crave from facebook. I am the first to admit, I love facebook. I love reading posts, I love the games, I love the photos and videos. Most of my updates on facebook are Savannah related, usually a funny story or celebrating an accomplishment. I try to sensor myself though. I have discovered that not everyone is so willing to sensor. Some people share every last gory detail of illness (them or kids), there disdain for those who blog about "every second of their life", those who just post to complain...the list just goes on and on. Facebook is the perfect place for people to obsess about their own wants and needs...and a lot of people don't care who their words offend.

My biggest issue here is a status posted by an acquaintance shortly (within 20 minutes) after I posted my blog post (on facebook) about being pregnant. Her status, in short, said that people need to get over themselves and stop posting blogs and on facebook about every detail of their lives to the minute. I certainly can understand that her post wasn't necessarily directed towards me...but it did strike a cord. I had just posted (in a timeline, minute fashion) a blog post and linked it to facebook within 20 minutes of her status. It could be a coincidence...who knows. I did send her a private message that explained why I posted the details, as I so rarely post timelines, and that I think blogs are a great form of therapy. To which I was told that blogs often allow people to "wallow in self pity" this point I was pretty hurt. After suffering through two miscarriages in the past year, I really think I have done remarkably well...sure there are days I was depressed...but I certainly don't think I was using a blog for self pity. Her response after my explanation again was just denial that her status reflected anything about me, but in general, and I should "back off". In the end, I just let it be...maybe she was posting about someone else...but it still revealed how people act when it comes to facebook. There is no way she would have said anything like that to my face...but online...who cares who gets hurt?

So humans and their nature continue to amaze all facets of life...I just hope I continue to remember who I am, what my morals are, and what I want to teach my children about interacting with others in the world we share.

1 comment:

  1. First of all,I love your blog. If people don't like what you write about then they shouldn't read. If they don't like your status updates on facebook or hearing about Savannah then they should un-friend you. Pretty simple concept. I am a total supporter of blogs being great therapy.

    Keep writing!

