Tuesday, November 29, 2011


December is two days away, did you know that? Yesterday morning on my drive to work (which really made me groan when I had to get back in the car after two days of driving home from Alabama) I realized that fact. December is beginning this week.

I immediately thought, "That is so exciting! If Luke/Ella is born in February...and it's December...that only leaves January before the month I meet my baby!!" But by the end of the day I just felt more overwhelmed than excited. I really had myself convinced that after our big trip to Alabama (my last hurrah as a pregnant lady - no more traveling!) I would be able to just relax and do a few little things to prepare for Luke/Ella's arrival and I'd be twiddling my thumbs the entire months of January and February waiting. I was so wrong. My list of things just gets longer and longer every day...I keep telling myself I don't need a list...but I bet by the end of the day today I'll have a list.

So first, there's the Christmas cards. All 63 of them. Handmade. With photos. And a little insert about Luke/Ella's impending arrival. And of course they need to be addressed, stamped, and mailed once I make them. But I have to order the photos to go on them before I can make them! I may recruit Carl to help with some of the details...he can put paper through the Sizzix, right? So those get top priority...I have to get started...the first step is to order the photos tonight. If nothing else, at least that will be ready. Then maybe tomorrow I can work on other parts of the cards.

Then there's the fleece. I bought fleece to make blankets for the house since it was on sale on Black Friday. I love making blankets - love it. I've made two of the four...and really each one only takes like an hour or so...and I really want to make the last two...but I'm not going to let myself until I've made progress with the Christmas cards.

I also have lots of wrapping to do...which I also love...but it's a little harder to reach things this year. I'm almost completely done shopping (which is great), but that has left a big pile of things to be wrapped in our basement closet. My plan is to work on that on Thursday...maybe, maybe if Savannah gets to bed on time I will be able to get all of the presents wrapped up.

So then, after Christmas cards are made, presents wrapped, and blankets made...December will be just for evenings of cookies and fun, visiting friends, and enjoying time with family...well...and making more cards!

In January, I have wonderful friends and family hosting a little baby "anticipation celebration" for Luke/Ella. I had planned to make the invitations (since I love card making)...but there are about 30 that need made...and I just have so much other stuff to do...and sitting at the table for hours is hard...so I don't know...I am sure they'd be beautiful if I made them by hand...so I don't know...I guess I will have to decide soon.

I also have maternity photos in January (which I can't wait for!!)...and there is the little issue of about 15 bins sitting in the middle of the nursery. Those house all of our Christmas decorations and go back in the attic...in January. Early January. Because I still need to vacuum the floors, wash all the baby clothes, paint the letters for Luke and Ella (so Carl can hang the appropriate one first thing we're home), and Carl needs to assemble the double stroller...which is buried behind all those bins! Did I also mention that Savannah and I still cuddle in there at night? And my guess is that once Luke/Ella arrives that won't work...so at some point we're going to have to find a new spot for our bedtime routine...ugh.

So I kind of knew all of that in my mind...all those little details that needed my attention...but I seemed to have forgotten that my due date is exactly one month before Savannah turns three...and that her invitations to her birthday party will need to go out mid-March...within a week of the due date...so that also means that those invites need to be ready before Valentine's Day...just in case. I refuse to drop the ball on Savannah's birthday, just because I'm having a baby. Each child deserves a special day, and I don't want her to look back and see that since she got a sibling, I didn't make a big deal of her turning three. Maybe I'm nuts...I don't know, but that's how I feel. SO...I have to do as much pre-party prep and planning before Valentine's Day. I am going to scale back a few things...more food brought in (like pizza and grandma and nana can bring things) and less homemade decorations. It will be at our house (of course, this year Savannah's birthday is the weekend of Easter so the church is booked solid!) which means I'll be cleaning with a one month old on my hip...but that's what grandma, nana, and Carl are for...I'll need help.

And did I mention, that at work my due date is the day before applications are due for the State Science Fair? The one I am Director of? The one that won't happen if I'm not there (seriously, I don't think it will happen if I'm not there...)? So I will be working via phone and email with people at FSU while on maternity leave to make sure things go right...and then I'll be at FSU on the 23/24 of March...with Carl and Luke/Ella. My mom will stay with Savannah for me...it's just nuts. All of it is nuts!

So I don't know what happened to me twiddling my thumbs...I'm overwhelmed...and I need help. Looks like it's time for Carl to shift gears from helping those outside our immediate family to helping one very pregnant momma get ready...OH...I just remembered...I also wanted to be prepared for the first month of our "family of four" status by having all disposable dishes and silverware...and to have my freezer full of frozen casseroles! So at some point I have to find time to make all of that too! And stock the freezer with frozen chicken and ground turkey...and make sure the pantry has stuff for macaroni and cheese, and chicken nuggets, and sloppy joes, and cereal for the days Savannah is forced to survive on cereal for dinner!

So overwhelmed.

**As a side note, Alabama was wonderful. Black Friday was a mad house event at Walmart down there...but I got what I wanted. Family was amazing. Loved seeing my grandparents. Savannah hugged both of them and sat with them (a first for her and did amazing things for my heart and theirs). There was a slight worry of severe weather at which point I was close to just crying until I had no tears left - really I just wanted a break from worry! Travel was tiring though - so ready to be a permanent Morgantown-er until after Luke/Ella arrives!**

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