Monday, April 26, 2010

Life just never seems to slow down. All through the month of March I kept telling myself that I just needed to make it past all of my Science Fairs, etc...that April would be better. Now here we are at the end of April, and life is just as crazy.

While I do love teaching, this week is, thankfully, the last week of teaching at WVU this semester. We are still preparing for the neighborhood yard sale, to be held on May 8th - which is unfortunately the same day as the final exam for my WVU class. That will be quite a long day for me. The final is scheduled from 8:00am until 10:00am, and then grades are due the 10th, so I will spend my Mother's Day weekend grading finals. Eww.

The yard sale preparations are coming along - we've gotten everything of ours priced, and now we're working on pricing things that have been shipped over from my mom's house. This weekend all of the furniture that we are planning on selling will be moved to the garage, so we'll be parking outside for a week then. We're hoping to earn enough money to buy a nice bed for Savannah. We are selling a dining room set (6 chairs, a table, and hutch), a computer desk, an elliptical, a bookcase, and then lots of odds and ends. Hopefully it doesn't rain!

Aside from the yard sale and final exam, life has slowed down a bit. I am starting to plan for our trip to Miami Beach - we leave in 26 days! I am a wreck about flying with Savannah...she hates to sit still for long, so this could be quite the trip. We've recently booked the flights, so I need to review the baggage policy and security policy and figure out what to take with us...I really hope we survive the traveling part of that trip! I'm excited for the time to rest at the should be fairly easy-going for us...Savannah and I will spend time at the beach and the pool while Carl attends his conference.

I'm still having thoughts about another seems as if I swing one direction for a while, and then the other direction again. Some days I get caught up in all the excitement of my friends' pregnancies. (I know someone due in September, October, November, and December!) I think about how great of a big sister Savannah would be. The other day we were playing in the basement with her and I thought how nice it would be for me to be holding a tiny baby while Carl and Savannah played - and how Savannah would toddle over to check on us every so often. It is just such a nice thing to imagine. For some reason I imagine we'll have a boy next, which isn't that strange of me to envision. Before we were pregnant with Savannah I just kept telling everyone we'd have a girl first, and deep down when I was pregnant I knew she was a girl. So now that I'm thinking of another one, I'm convinced that whenever we do have another child, he will be a boy.

Then there are days like yesterday when the idea of another one just seems like an impossible dream. Savannah woke up at 6:30am...which isn't an awful time, but Carl got up with her and I slept for an hour longer. Which I thought was fine, I mean, I get up with her in the nights when she wakes up, and I get up with her most weekend mornings anyway. I even got up with her one weekend and made homemade biscuits while Carl I figured I could get just a little bit of extra sleep. Well then he napped a lot in the car, and was kind of short with Savannah for making noise and ending his nap. Honestly. She's 1 - he's 26! Then he was just grouchy and complain-y about having to get up early. I hate complaining about getting up with her, and I really try not to complain when I'm the one to get up. I just remind myself that I am so blessed to have a child to wake up with, and I shouldn't ever complain about that luxury! So when he complains it irritates the heck out of me....and makes me think. What will it be like when there are two? He is going to have quite a bit more to do when there are two children, especially when I am breastfeeding the second one. He will be on bedtime duty, neither one of us will get to sleep-in on the weekends, and in general keeping the house running will require a lot more. So if he's grouchy about waking up 30 minutes earlier than usual, what will it be like with two? He is usually very helpful with Savannah, and he does help me more now than right when she came home - we have finally settled into a fairly normal routine. I just hate to change a good thing...those first weeks and months of finding the balance were so hard on me, and our marriage. I'm sure it won't be quite so hard since we've done it before, but it still won't be easy. I guess we both have some thinking to do...we'll have to trust that God won't give us more than we can handle.

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