Tuesday, January 31, 2012

40 Days...

Forty days. That's it. If I haven't met Luke/Ella in the next 40 days I will insist on intervening (late babies worry me!). So now the waiting has become even more tedious and slow. I do think the baby is "dropping"...people who don't see me often can tell...my hip and pelvis bones ache...especially when I stand after sitting. The baby's kicks have slowed and aren't as thrashing...he/she is running out of space. I just feel...different. I see the doctor on Friday, I'm kind of hoping she will check for dilation. I have a big, big weekend next weekend with the Regional Science Fair...so I'd like to know ahead of time if the baby really is working his/her way down.

Today has been a beautiful day...and really I have felt so very happy today. It struck me as terrifying that I'm so happy. It has been so long since I really thought and believed I'd be holding a second child. It just strikes me that this baby would be cleared for birth at this point...obviously not something we want, but an almost 35-weeker has great chances of survival. I could be holding a baby any day. That is what seems so impossible...that it really could be any day. That is also what makes each day tick by so slowly...I try to be a patient person...I must be patient if I'm still waiting to find out Luke or Ella!...but waiting to greet this child is really hard. I wish I just knew when it would be...maybe that would make it easier. I could just say, "Okay, we will know on February 12th" or whatever the case...so now I'm waiting for something that isn't indefinite (we know it won't be MORE than 40 days now) but still it isn't definite either. I think Savannah is beginning to wonder if we are lying about the baby ever coming out...it seems we've talked about it forever to her! She must think it's crazy because out of her 34 months of life we've talked about a baby for 25% of it!

A note on my craziness...I check the 15 day forecast for the weather at least 2 times every day. At my last check the weather is promising...of the 15 days, 12 of them have highs in the 50s...and the other three have highs in the 40s...and so far (fingers crossed, knock on wood...all of that) no major snow storm predicted. It would be a miracle if our mild winter would occur now...I really could use a no stress trip to the hospital and home with a baby...hopefully Mother Nature will concede that to me...since we are both mothers after all.

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