Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Breech at 36+ Weeks.

Yesterday was my 36w appointment. As usual, baby's heart beat was strong and thumping right along. The midwife asked if I had been in any kind of particular pain, and I mentioned that my ribs hurt on my right side often. I have always just assumed it was little feet kicking me. Well, when she measured my belly I was measuring a week ahead (which has been the case occasionally). Then she started trying to tell what position the baby was in, and much to my dismay, she said it felt like the head is what has been bothering my ribs so much. So she went and got the portable ultrasound machine (that is like for the 1970s!) to get a quick peek at Luke/Ella. I have to admit, seeing that machine brings the fear of God into me now...it's the same one that didn't show a heart beat with the 2nd miscarriage.

So she turned it on, and our fears were confirmed. Luke/Ella has decided to flip on us, and is now in the breech position. Back in January, when I had the car accident, ultrasound confirmed that he/she was head down...but for some reason this baby has decided to give us grief. If I wasn't so far along it wouldn't necessarily be a big deal...but since I'm quickly approaching my due date, it is a big deal.

SO. Now I go back to the doctor on Friday to see if Luke/Ella has flipped back to head down. I know exactly what the head feels like now, and currently, he/she is still breech. If on Friday we are still in this situation, we'll have some decisions to make. They can do an external version, but that is pretty painful, requires an epidural, and is done in the hospital...and there are risks. The placenta could tear away from the uterine wall, the heart rate could drop...it could result in an emergency c-section. If that version is successful (and only 58% are), the baby could still flip back to breech and I could still have a c-section anyway. If the baby is still breech, more than likely a c-section would occur at 38 or 39 weeks. I'm guessing closer to 38 weeks since Savannah was born at 38w 6d...and they don't want me going into labor with a breech baby. So for now we wait, and pray, and hope that Luke/Ella turns back around and stays that way. The midwife and I were joking that this baby is Luke...a boy with commitment issues already! :0)

The plus side of all that scary news is that we got another little peek at the baby. The midwife was careful to just look at the head and then quickly scan the rest of my belly to make sure there was plenty of fluid in there to allow Luke/Ella to turn...but she avoided all areas that might give away the gender. It was nice to get to see this little one again before the real deal...and Savannah loved it! She kept looking at my belly and at the screen...it was just fun for her to see her baby.

So all last week I kept hoping I'd be dilated and we'd be planning to get this show on the road...and yesterday that came to a halt. She said I'm not dilated, but I could be if we wanted me to be...so I'm ready...but since Luke/Ella is now not in position we aren't going to do anything to possibly induce labor. I was anxious about this impending arrival already, and now I'm even more anxious. I just want to get this baby here safely. Ideally, a c-section wasn't what I was hoping for since I delivered Savannah completely natural...but I don't care how Luke/Ella gets here...I just want him/her safe and healthy. Last night I woke up at 4:00am and couldn't stop thinking about all the possibilities...it is just scary and worrisome...and I know there's nothing I can do right now...but that makes me feel so helpless!

So we wait. On Friday we will know more...maybe it will be a scheduled Leap Day baby...or sooner...or maybe he/she will turn and things will go as planned...the last weeks and days are the hardest...so many unknowns. I'm just so ready to have a healthy baby in my arms!!

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